4k Video options
Kris (mymember.site)
I know right now all our videos we upload are transcoded to 720p but are there any plans to support 4k video ?
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Kris (mymember.site)
4k is live. We will shortly start re-encoding any videos in the system that are 4k and those will be delivered in 4k automatically. Any future videos uploaded in 4k will have a 4k version created and available for delivery.
We'll make an official announcement about this probably tomorrow.4k later this week.
Kris (mymember.site)
in progress
We expect to have 4k ready within the next week. I'll update this thread when there is news.
Luke Riggs
Kris (mymember.site) Amazing guys!
Kris (mymember.site)
I'm fairly certain we're going to do the 4k stuff next week. We are doing a bunch of stuff with the hosting infrastructure and content storage/encoding etc and we can get this done as part of that I think. I'll keep this thread updated.
Scott Trainor
Kris (mymember.site) AWESOME NEWS! THANKS SO MUCH!
Madame Amiee
Any update on this? I didn't realize my 4k videos weren't playing at 4k which sucks bc Ive been advertising them as such. ive been only uploading the 4k versions here and have removed the 4k options on most of my other clip sites to help push clients here...
Kris (mymember.site)
Madame Amiee: Sorry not yet. We'll get to in the new year. When we check our viewer stats though almost no one is using a 4k monitor, even the rare member that complains about not having 4k is using a 2k monitor usually...
We will get it done though. It is important to have, just swamped with other releases right now.
Kris (mymember.site)
Kris (mymember.site)