7 days membership required !
Twisted Nymphs
Hey, we run another gallery and we have introduced the 7 day membership which sells way better then the 30 day membership ! Because: You can make it cheaper i.e., 7 days $14,99 , in comparison $29,99 =30 days. Basically, because of rebill everybody makes more money !!! And the entry level is lower ! Thats what people like to spend less at the beginning. It's out hot seller ! Later we actually eliminated 30 days from our offer and have now only 7 days, 3 month and one year. So what is the problem to introduce 7 DAY MEMBERSHIP ???? There is also NO risk for the credit card companies....
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Twisted Nymphs
Thanks for reply ! Thats good that somebody is reading it and looks like you make a difference to most of the people in this industry. Regarding chargeback it's a point. Happily we don't have this experience and we offer 7 days now since 3 years. We have chargebacks one in 2 month average. I don't know why but its obviously different with your site. But maybe you can integrate 90 days which is also selling well.
Kris (mymember.site)
Twisted Nymphs: If you contact support we can turn on 90, 180, and 360 days for you. I supposed we could possibly turn on 7 day memberships for you but we'd have to look at your account and discuss the chargeback exposure a little more. If you reach out to us in the support chat we can discuss.
Twisted Nymphs
Kris (mymember.site)I start really liking your company more and more. It's really rare that someone takes care on creators !. Ok, I'll discuss it internally and will reach out tomorrow ! Thanks again !
Kris (mymember.site)
We used to offer 7 day memberships but we got rid of them because of the increased chargeback exposure. You essentially get 4 times the number of chargebacks because there are 4 weeks in a month. Can you explain the no risk for the credit card companies?