My apologies if this has already been asked, but I already searched through the forum - I couldn't see anything related to what I wanted to ask.
I would like to suggest a feature that could help us retain members if creators opted to use it - I'd a like a search criteria option added to the member list page - a 'rebillers' option. On the 'Status' drop down menu maybe?
I use the idea of 'rewards' for the old faithful subscribers that subscribed and STAY subscribed, and not the ones who subscribe and then cancel right away. I have used this idea on other platforms but end up having to search through hundreds of subscribers manually can be tedious and eat up time - as it goes, most platforms will tell who is an active member but not necessarily if they're subscribing for the fourth or fifth time over.
I know you can check the rebill status of active members as of now but as I understand it, you have to manually search through the member list - this rebill feature could be a game changer
I'm thinking anyone has rebilled even once should be targeted for more 'rewards' and 'goodies' as I feel this always helps engagement and retain normal membership levels.
What do y'all think?