Digital signatures for model releases / Invite links for cast members to add themselves AND e-sign releases
Kris (
We plan to replace the model release documents with digital signatures. We are investigating ways to best accomplish this.
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Golden Griffin
I think we should have the option to continue to add our model release documents. I work with a ton of models and its so much simpler for me to just upload the forms vs sending them links and waiting for them to fill out.
Kris (
Golden Griffin: Yes, you'll still have the option to do that.
Golden Griffin
Kris ( ok cool, I just was worried we'd be forced to do digital only which would make things a lot harder for me.
Kris (
If anyone can share screenshots from other platforms that do it well, please share (redact any personal info). Just in case we might have missed something in our designs.
Von Big
Kris (
Kris (
Von Big: thank you!!
Kris (
We plan to start work on this one soon.
Kris ( for the update, much appreciated
BDSM Kinky Play
Kris ( This is great news!
Kris (
Merged in a post:
Option to tag other verified mymembersite creators when you co-own the content
Von Big
Option to tag other verified mymembersite creators when you co-own the content. And Skip location release documentation. So you tag the other creator and if they approve the tag to the co-owned video, it can appear on site. This feature is on onlyfans and pornhub and is important for amateur creators who make videos but they don't want to exchange their sensitive documents or get into contacts with unfamiliar cooperative creators.
Kris (
Kris (
Merged in a post:
Model Realize Foarm
I've been in the industry for over 3 years. I would like to propose a very important and interesting feature implementation and I will tell you why and what problems it will close!
It is about (Model Realize Foarm)
- Make it so that the store owner can send a link to verify the model (member) and there it itself has passed all the procedures of verification, verification and all that is necessary for the legal side. Well and of course to make this page beautiful and understandable.
Now I will tell you what it is for.
For 3 years in the industry I myself received a lot of offers from both big brands and small brands, but which give prospects more than the big players. And always the problem was that it is not clear to whom you need to send a photo of your documents and it immediately blocked cooperation, and the big brands have already got everything covered and there were such pages for verification and directly to some manager your documents did not get. And especially in fetish topics where authors often want to be as anonymous as possible.
They don't want to share their personal data with small sites. Therefore, once this functionality is implemented, it will improve the relationship between the studio and the model and produce more content and attract new members.
Kris (
Thanks for adding this idea, and we agree 100%. We will soon start work on a networking feature which will allow creators to network with each other and share cast member verifications without sharing personal information.
We already have a ticket for this which I will merge this with.
Kris (
Merged in a post:
Adding with links
The Dark Hand
The ability to add cast members with a secured link, enabling them to upload there information to the account without needing the account sign in information.
Kris (
BTW, we are most likely going to allow you to enter their email address which will send a link that they click to create an account and upload all of their info and sign the release. You'll be able to do this when creating new cast members or for existing cast members. We understand that the new MasterCard requirements have made compliance a lot more of a hassle so we want to give you new tools to make things as seamless as possible.