Make it more clear if downloads are included or not
I would love it if I could offer my content as either a stream or download.
Technically, that is possible today, but the experience is a bit offputting for the member.
He has to first unlock, then come to the conclusion "hey, I cannot download it", then see "Oh, I have to pay extra if I want to download it".
If that were me, I would feel a bit frustrated.
I would love it, if we could give three options under the content
- Join
- Unlock to stream
- Unlock to download
That would be a great way of upselling the content (people love actually downloading it and wouldn't mind paying extra, as long as that is clear from the start).
Loving the platform though! :-)
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Kris (
We do agree that there is still a lot of confusion for members whether or not content can be downloaded. This is not just for unlocks but content that's included in subscriptions.
The issue is not as easy to fix as it first seems, however. On the content details page, where the user sees the options, there are many potential access variations that must be factored in and displayed (I believe there were 16). Factors include: Subscription, Subscription status, Unlockability, Downloadability and if you multiply those, that's what we have to work with. So the problem with having powerful options like we have is that it has a multiplier effect on the use-cases.
That being said, it's not impossible and we are committed to improving this. We want to ensure members know exactly what is included in a subscription or unlock and whether downloads are included.
I believe we can solve this with a combination of subscription auto-benefits and improvements to the content details page as you mentioned in your comment.
I have changed the name of this ticket to "
Make it more clear if downloads are included or not" and marked it as planned.
Kris ( Thanks for the info. I understand the problem.
Indeed, maybe it would help to change the text from "unlock" to "Stream" and have a fine print under the button "download available at XX USD extra" or something.
Good call on the title of the ticket, I was struggling with finding a good descriptive title. :-)
Kris (
Dennis: We'll figure something out that will solve the problem.