Network site - Site featuring ALL creators together
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Kris (
Merged in a post:
Customer-facing Main Page or Internal search, Connecting all MMS sites
Kasha Reine
A customer-facing home page/main site or an internal site search where customers can search for any content/category and subscribe to any member site, creating a system of internal traffic and customer retention, reducing reliance on external marketing and social media etc.
Building on the "Network pass" idea, this would be like the way some tube sites and fansites have a main site or area where customers can find all different kinds of creators and content in one place. Building a solid customer base within MMS could potentially be more valuable than any one feature! :)
Kris (
We will be releasing a seprate product which will be completely integrated and to which you can post your content. this site will feature many different creators together. it's part of the "network site" feature. I'm going to merge this topic.
Kasha Reine
Kris ( Amazing thank you!!
Kris (
Merged in a post:
Catalog of Sites
Kris (
This is my first time submitting an idea, so hopefully i'm doing this right! I didn't already see it listed.
I would like to suggest a catalog of all the sites run on AMS. Perhaps on the front page of AMS and sorted by category (which we can choose). I think this will be beneficial for members trying to find a site that suits them!
Kris (
Merged in a post:
Grant separate access for Models
Grant separate access to live streaming. So that the actors don't get to the actual administrative pages. They should only be able to control their stream and chat. maybe they should also be able to adjust their tips themselves.
Kris (
We will be adding this this year. We care calling it "Network site". I'll merge this topic with that one.
Kris (
Merged in a post:
Adult Member Sites Webpage promoting Models
Do we not have a main webpage that allows scrolling through all AMS sites by category or models and a main membership login?
You login into AMS and like pornhub you can scroll through and find different pages to subscribe too?
Kris (
No but we'll be working on something for later this year.
Kris (
FYI we DO actually have this but it's super basic at the moment. We will be adding to this page when we work more on our networking features.
Digital Deity Kuro
this is still a great idea :) can't wait for this one
Kris (
Digital Deity Kuro: We're in the design stages now and should be able to share some ideas with the community soon. The idea is to have the member site platform for those that want their stand alone sites but also a network site for those that are ok with that configuration. We'll likely allow you to share content between the two platforms if you want to be on both. Stay tuned for updates.
Kris (
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