Sales/promotions for individual content
Create Sales/promotions for individual videos. Right now we can offer promotions for subscriptions but it would be cool if we can offer a sale for clips. Ex: Like 5% off the clip store
Could not find this, but I apologize in advance if this was already posted.
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Tracie Hexum
I was just coming to leave a similar comment. Individual sale/promotions would be great on videos, photoset and store items.
Kris (
Tracie Hexum: we will 100% be adding this. We have a bunch of updates coming soon to the free trials, promotions and offers and we can include this at that time.
Kris (
We will allow you to do if for any type of content, even store items.
Kris (
This is planned and designed, we just need to build it. Marking this as planned.